Martin Veselý has been photographing animals at the Safari Park in Dvůr Králové for eleven years and he has won several awards for this remarkable images. The most success is the seconf lace in the Series category at Czec Natural Photo 2022, where the jury was impressed by this collection of original pictures of the feet.
The author of the exhibition noticed that even in the zoo people don´t see what all the amazing animals are walking on, so he decided to show them to everyone. To eliminate anything disctracting in the photo, he used a theatrical black velvet backrop and studio lights.
He first tried to make friends with the animal, which was not easy at all with elephants or rhinoceroses. Fortunately, many individuals could be bribe with treats, everything turned out well and the result, which will be seen here until March 30, is worth it.
Great thanks go to all the nurses, zoologists and veterinarians from Safari Park Dvůr Králové nad Labem who participated in the project.
Zkusili jste po zhlédnutí výstavy uhádnout, kterému zvířeti, která tlapa patří?
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Vystavené obrazy jsou na prodej (10 000 Kč za obraz včetně ručně vyrobeného rámu). Výtěžek z prodeje
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srdcem na výcvik slepeckých psů pro osoby se zrakovým postižením.
Kontakt pro zakoupení obrazů:,
+420 734 517 074
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Martin Veselý: Doteky Afriky
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